God in the box 2
Ok so the topic today is a bit of a recount of the last one. In Christology we are dealing with the theandric union of Christ. How the Human nature and Divine nature are combined as one person. Eventually it got to the point that we said “it’s a mystery” and we retreat into the cave of faith.
My modern mind and postmodern leanings are in total conflict on this. I’ve found it difficult to be a child of the end of modernity, which has been flung into the mess of postmodernism, and as I come out of the cave my eyes hurt (Plato’s cave not the before mentioned cave of faith). I realize that the fall of how much of this systematic theology is purely putting God in my box, and how much of it is trying to love and worship God by learning as much about him as I can. If modernity has placed rational and knowledge on a pedestal then has postmodernity shot it down completely?
Why can I not try to understand God? Did he create my reason? Or did that come after the fall? Does God work with us, through councils and creeds, or are these perversions that should be looked at with caution, distrust, and maybe even disdain?
My love of tradition cannot let me throw out these, and perhaps Postmodernity is not really asking me to, but rather to examine the very muddy, dirty, dare I say . . . (no I won’t say it) water and look for the baby who has been laying somewhere in there. We cannot throw out the baby (whatever this metaphorical baby ends up containing is yet to be completely determined), along with the water, or we have abandoned that which much of our foundation has been set upon.
those of us trapped at the end of modernity have been torn in two. The problem with postmodernity is the 18 different definitions. If we would stick to one, preferably the one that keeps tradition held high, then we would be golden. Unfortunately, post modernity has turned into hyped up Hybelite modernity while at the same time, forgetting where we came from.
Ok so I didn't have anything brilliant to say this time around but I just wanted to be the first one to leave a comment on your blog.
Anonymous, at 7:41 AM
AlthoughI agree to an extent, I think the whole thing with postmodernity is it doesn't have a definition. It refuses to allow itself to be catagorized (as we with modern minds would love to do). I feel that Hybel is ultra modern (although he has started an emerging worship service) but I think that although a lot of the more popular "post-modern" Christians have wanted to cling to Tradition, postmodernity as a whole tends to want to destroy rational ( who follow philosphers like Foucoult and Derida) and would say that those councils were a perversion of Christianity because they used reason.
Aaron, at 11:50 AM
Thats my boy. I always new your closet Aristotelian tendencies would shine through. You pseudo Neo-platonist.
On a serious, note...love your thoughts and I look forward to learning more of what you are wrestling with.
Anonymous, at 4:02 PM
yeah, I meant "knew"....that's what happens when you are stuck in a cubicle.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM
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