Praise God
I have found that my writing here has moments of. . negativity. . please hold the laughs. Consequently, I felt as if I should write something that is a bit more uplifting.
Dr. Kline is the associate pastor at my church. He has been my mentor for the past 6 or 7 years, and was actually the pastor who dedicated me as a baby. Other than my father, he is the man I want to be most like when I “grow up” and I am looking forward to working on staff with him at some point. If I were starting a church, he would be my first choice for a pastor of evangelism and Christian Ed.
However, he is not the only person involved in this story. His daughter (who has been sick for some time now) went into a coma and with the levels in her body, and no one was expecting her to wake-up. Sunday morning while I was in Indonesia, the church had a special prayer for her around the alter, and after service Dr. Kline made his way to Columbus to say what he thought would be his final goodbye. On his way, Dr. Kline received a phone call. His daughter had woken up, and not only that but all of the levels that had previously been out of whack, no longer were.
Four of the six doctors immediately said this was “intervention.” One of them was a strong Christian and had no problem pointing to God for the answer to “how could this happen.” Two of the doctors are still trying to figure out what happened.
Throughout my life, I have been hesitant to use the word “miracle.” It’s not that I haven’t seen some (I have), nor is it that I haven’t experienced any (again I have, however I don’t want to feel as if everything that happens is some unexplainable, unrepeatable feat of the supernatural. I have always been a bit afraid of having an experiential faith, which was good with the good, and low with the bad.
However, when I look at moments like these I realize that God is there, and although he does not always dip his hand in to fix things … there are moments like these that he does. To remind me how great and awesome he truly is.
Amen Aaron. It warms my hear to hear stories such as that. It's easy to forget that God can and still does perform miracles. Thanks for sharing this story.
Kevin Wright, at 6:26 AM
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