I have a few blog ideas stored up. I am sorry that I haven't been more committed, and I promise to do better getting all of these ideas out on paper ... or on computer ... or whatever. One of which is going to be about the view of the atonement that I love in "The Chronicles of Narnia", however those will have to wait a bit, because for now, all I can really think about are transitions.
You know I have never particularly cared for the transitional stages of life. Being at a threshold has never really appealed to me. A month ago Friday I took my last undergrad class, and scanned out of my last chapel at IWU. Honestly, it has not completely set in yet. Apparently, according the article I was reading, “Those who cope well with transitions have a more positive perception and meaning of transitions and an overall sense that life makes sense.” Not only that, but if you let it stress you out you can actually get more sick. Something about heightened adrenal glands and lowered immune system stuff. Anyway point is, we all have these particular transitions and many of us react poorly to them.
So all of that to say I am in a new stage in my life. Starting January I am officially on staff at my church. No more of the full-time volunteer stuff, no more “oh he’s young we’ll let it go,” I am a pastor now. And, to be honest, as excited as I am it freaks me out a little bit. As my dad has said before “I have never really questioned my call, but I have questioned my ability to respond to the call properly.” What do I, a 23-year-old fresh out of college, really have to bring to the table? Make that a 23-year-old single pastor … anyone going into ministry understands what that means. Less job offers.
However, this one has been a little different because honestly I am happier than I have ever been in my life. Odd huh? But I really am. I know I am exactly where I’m supposed to be, and although I don’t know all the how’s and why’s of where I’m going, this moment is one I have been waiting for, for … well for at least the last 7 years.
It got me thinking, although our God’s will may not be the safest place … it’s the best. I’m scared, I’m nervous, but I’m confident this is my calling. I don’t know that I’ll always know how to fulfill it, but I know this is where I’m supposed to be. This was a transition that was years in the making … and I am loving every minute of it.
It's so much fun and yet so personally challenging to watch you at this stage in your life. The excitment and joy of God really is shinning through you.
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM
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