Thoughts from Aaron of Court House

Thursday, July 28, 2005

I'm back! First let me say that Indonesia was amazing and I am seriously considering going back. I won't bore you with all the details right now but I will give a few things and then expound on them later.

First. Indonesian children are beautiful and I want one. I considered stealing a few but I wasn't sure how costums would deal with that so I left it alone for now.

Second. Indonesian women are also very beautiful. LOL

Third. Many Muslims in indonesia are not as closed off as I had anticipated and I think that the English language is a great tool in opening up opprotunites for the Gospel.

Fourth. The church there is really, or at least in the area that I was it is, and it seems fairly strong and deep.

And Finally. I want to go back very very much.

Anyway it's good to be back and I will explain all of the above, or at least some of it later.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Am I realy a pacifist?

So when in classroom discussion, it is very easy for me to say that I would not fight. I am the chic pacifist who believes war is wrong and killing must be subject to love. I mean that’s the right thing to say . . right? I’d never kill someone I need to love. Do I really take stands or do I just take the stands that seem the easiest at the moment? Or the one which is chic.

Anyway all that aside I really started to think this morning when I woke up to news that London was bombed. I loved London. I stayed there 3 weeks one summer and had a blast. Anyway I’ll be honest I was pretty honked off this morning. And visions of bombs and planes dropping them went through my head.
So with my convictions being shaken I start to ask my self, can I love a group of people I seem so angry with. With that thought in mind, I head to Indonesia to minister to and love that very group. God will give me strength and I’m pretty sure I’ll come away believing the same I did. Justice isn’t for me to dole out. I’ll let someone much wiser take control of that.